Advancing the EMS profession

Authorized NAEMT Training Centers

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Training CenterCityStateCountryWebsitePhone
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 2556 items in 171 pages
Western Iowa Tech Community CollegeSioux CityIA USA (712) 274-8733 x1366
Longview Regional Medical Center Education Dept.LongviewTX USA (903) 381-7243
Brazilian Committee on Trauma ACS Sao Paulo  BRAZIL 55 11 31016253
Canadian College of Emergency Medical ServicesEdmontonAB CANADA 780-451-4437
Fundacion SalamandraCaliValle del Cauca COLOMBIA (572) 6848383
Life Support France (LSF)Dietwiller  FRANCE 0033623436988
National Ambulance Service CollegeDublinIRELAND IRELAND 00353-14631653
Treat SRLTorinoItaly ITALY 390116317233
Stiftelsen Norsk LuftambulanseOsloNO NORWAY 0047 64 90 44 44
Emergencia XXI- PHTLS Portugal NIF 506890678Odivelas  PORTUGAL +351 966545782
Society of Surgeons of Trinidad & TobagoFreeport  TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 18686226023
KCI EMS Education and TrainingModestoCA USA (209) 604-1793
Butte County EMSChicoCA USA (530) 891-4370
Southwestern CollegeSan DiegoCA USA (619) 216-6760
Capital Community CollegeHartfordCT USA (860) 906-5153
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