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NAEMT Represents YOU at National Meetings

Nov 12, 2008

To ensure that NAEMT and the interests of EMS practitioners were represented at national meetings, NAEMT leaders participated in three meetings last month.

The Institute of Medicine’s Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness
for Catastrophic Events
Washington, D.C.

NAEMT is the only organization representing EMS at this forum, which examines the state of preparedness and response to large scale catastrophic events in the United States.

American Medical Association’s Natural Disaster Life Support Education Consortium
Chicago, Ill.

NAEMT was seated as a member of the Education Consortium. This forum presented an opportunity for NAEMT to interact with leaders from the AMA, emergency medicine, emergency management, public health, federal agencies and others interested in emergency preparedness, response and education.

2nd Annual National Rural Emergency Preparedness Summit
San Antonio, Texas

The summit addressed the needs of discipline-specific groups in developing training courses to assist rural America in disaster response. Course topics identified included resource assessment and management for public safety response; allocation of medical resources to critical incidents; aviation threats to rural America; safety and security of our communities; how to decontaminate emergency equipment; and understanding the threat for public policy makers of terrorists in rural communities.

We’ll continue to keep you informed about how NAEMT continuously represents the interests of NAEMT members and all EMS practitioners at national meetings and forums.