Advancing the EMS profession

Letters and Comments

The following communications have been issued by NAEMT in support of, or to comment on, pending or existing federal legislation or regulation. Click on the column header to sort the list.

Proposed LegislationLetter to Sen. Dick DurbinRequests support to include $33 million in the FY 2026 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for the Rural EMS Training and Equipment Assistance (REMSTEA) grant program (SIREN).
EMS IssueLetter to OSHA Office of Safety Systems, Directorate of Standards and Guidance DirectorComments to OSHA hearing regarding its proposed emergency response rule.
Pending LegislationLetter to U.S. Senate and House leadersJoint letter urging Congress to extend the temporary Medicare ambulance increases for the next three years and raise the percentages to reflect the escalating costs of providing vital emergency 911 and non-emergency interfacility ambulance services.
Pending LegislationLetter to Chair and Ranking Member of Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions CommitteeNAEMT signed onto Smart Heart Sports Coalition’s letter urging support of the Access to AEDs Act (S. 1024), authorizing a federal grant program that would increase the availability of AEDs and related equipment on elementary and secondary school campuses.
EMS IssueJoint letter with Society of Critical Care Medicine to FDA Expresses deep concern about the significant supply chain disruptions resulting from the damage inflicted by Hurricane Helene on Baxter’s North Cove manufacturing site in North Carolina.
Proposed LegislationNAEMT Statement on Ground Ambulance Patient Balance Billing Advisory Committee RecommendationsNAEMT supports the 14 recommendations (in entirety) of GAPBAC’s Report on Prevention of Out-Of-Network Ground Ambulance Emergency Service Balance Billing and believes they represent the best path forward for Congress to help the emergency ambulance service.
Pending LegislationLetter to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, HHSRequests EMS agencies not be immediately required to comply with the provisions of the proposed rule modifying 45 CFR Parts 170, 171, and 172.
EMS IssueU.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsProvides input as part of the 2028 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) revision process to ensure that all EMS personnel are accurately counted.
EMS IssueU.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsRecommends reclassification to address the undercounting of EMS personnel of at least 795,000 due to the exclusion of dual-role firefighter/EMS personnel.
Proposed LegislationLetter to U.S. Committee on Veterans AffairsRequest support for the VA Emergency Transportation Access Act (H.R. 5530) when the bill comes before the full Veterans Affairs Committee.
Proposed LegislationLetter to the Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationCommunicates concern about the significant impacts OSHA’s Emergency Response Proposed Rule would place upon an already under-resourced and stressed EMS infrastructure.
EMS IssueLetter to Sony Pictures and Marvel EntertainmentRequest for Inclusion of EMS Consultant in Future Productions (following release of Madame Web)
EMS IssueLetter to U.S. Senate Finance Committee leadersJoint EMS organization response to committee’s proposal to provide a long-term solution to address the fundamental market failures creating drug shortages.
Pending LegislationWritten Testimony for the Record: FY2025Susan Bailey, MSEM, NRP, NAEMT President, testimony to House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies, May 3, 2024
Pending LegislationWritten Testimony for the Record: FY2025Susan Bailey, MSEM, NRP, NAEMT President, testimony to Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), May 9, 2024
Pending LegislationLetter to Representatives Wenstrup, Sewell, Carter and TonkoExpresses strong support for the Protecting Access to Ground Ambulance Medical Services Act of 2023 (H.R. 1666).
EMS IssueLetter from Members of Congress to House Appropriations SubcommitteeRequests that report language be included directing ASPR and NHTSA to address our country’s emergency medical services (EMS) readiness and workforce shortage.
EMS FundingLetter to U.S. Senate and House Appropriations Committee leadersRequests $32 million in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Appropriations bill for the Rural EMS Training and Equipment Assistance (REMSTEA) grant program (SIREN grant program).
Pending LegislationLetter to House Committee on Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health leadersSupports H.R. 5530, protecting access for veterans to essential 9-1-1 emergency and urgent interfacility ground ambulance services.
EMS FundingLetter to Senate and House Appropriations Committee leadersRequests the Labor-HHS-Education Conference Report to include the House level of $31 million in FY 2024 appropriations.
Pending LegislationLetter to Senate LeadersSupports continuation of Emergency Medical Services for Children Program Reauthorization Act of 2024 for an additional five years.
EMS FundingMemo to CMS on GEMT Reiumbursement ProgramAddresses NAEMT's concerns as it relates to CMS approval of GEMT supplemental payment programs for new states.
Proposed LegislationLetter to House and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee leaders Opposes any legislation that would increase the legal size or weight limits of trucks because of the serious safety risks inherent in allowing bigger trucks on our nation’s roads and bridges.
EMS IssueLetter to Senate Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions (HELP) Committee leadersRequests immediate action to address a longstanding undercounting of EMS personnel.
EMS IssueLetter to House Education & Workforce Committee leadersRequests immediate action to address a longstanding undercounting of EMS personnel.