Advancing the EMS profession

Education Glossary

NAEMT's Education program contains terms or words which are described in brief below. Please contact if you have any questions or require additional information.

Training Center Guide Details NAEMT policies regarding Education and Training Centers.
How to Become an NAEMT Instructor 

Step-by-step process for becoming an NAEMT instructor. 

NAEMT Instructor Login 

Secure login for NAEMT Instructors to review and update their contact information.  

NAEMT Instructor Exceptions  

Program-specific exceptions for NAEMT Instructor requirements.  
NAEMT Instructor Application  Required form to begin the application process to become an NAEMT instructor.  
NAEMT Instructor Preparation Course  One-time online instructor course to provide instructor candidates with the basic training and information needed for becoming an NAEMT instructor.  
NAEMT Training Center requirements and application  Details the requirements for Training Centers interested in conducting NAEMT courses, and provides the application form to begin the process of becoming an approved NAEMT training center.  
International Education FAQ  Frequently asked questions about NAEMT education conducted outside of the United States.  
Verify NAEMT Education Course Certificates  Each NAEMT certificate has a unique code to ensure verification of certificate authenticity.  
Locate Upcoming NAEMT Courses  All upcoming NAEMT Courses are listed on the NAEMT website with searchable options.    

Role of a Course Coordinator

Is employed or contracted by the training center to organize, prepare, coordinate and conduct NAEMT courses for which he/she is qualified as an approved instructor. 

Role of a Course Medical Director

Provides medical oversight and guidance to course coordinators and instructors. They are available, on site or by telephone, to the course coordinator to address medical questions that may arise in the progress of the course.          

Role of an Education Regional/State Coordinator

State/provincial/regional education coordinators are experienced NAEMT Affiliate Faculty appointed by the NAEMT Education Committee Chair. These coordinators build awareness of and support for NAEMT education with government agencies responsible for overseeing EMS, EMS training centers, and EMS agencies in their respective areas. They assist NAEMT Headquarters in ensuring that NAEMT courses in the area are conducted in a quality manner and in compliance with NAEMT policies.  
Role of an Affiliate Faculty Affiliate Faculty ensures the quality and consistency of NAEMT courses by assisting and monitoring new training centers and instructors. Affiliate faculty are appointed by NAEMT for each of NAEMT’s courses.  
Requirements to apply to be an NAEMT Affiliate Faculty  Be a NAEMT Member, coordinate six (6) or more courses in the respective program.  
Process to become an NAEMT Affiliate Faculty Email a letter of interest, resumé and letter of recommendation and send to for consideration.

What is an Affiliate Travel Form? 

A document that captures the costs associated with an NAEMT Affiliate Faculty assisting a training site in establishing a new NAEMT program and/or monitoring new instructors. The form is to be completed by each NAEMT affiliate faculty who will provide services. Completed forms should be reviewed and signed by the course coordinator at the training center and countersigned by NAEMT faculty at least 30 days prior to travel. This form can be found in the course coordinator login. 
Where can Affiliate Faculty access monitoring forms? Instructor candidate and training center monitoring forms can be accessed through the course coordinator login section of the Education Portal
NAEMT HQ contact information  1-800-34-NAEMT