Category | Title | Description |
Role of Government | Direct Funding for EMS Preparedness | NAEMT believes the federal government has an established responsibility to directly fund EMS to be prepared for any potential disasters, large scale incidents, and public health crises. |
Operations | Criminal Liability for Alleged Deviations in Standards of Care | NAEMT and EMS organizations representing EMS clinicians, physicians, and agencies adopt Joint Position Statement on Criminal Liability for Alleged Deviations from Clinical Standards of Care in EMS. |
Operations | Joint Position Statement on EMS Performance Measures Beyond Response Times | Encourages EMS systems and community leaders to implement an approach to EMS system performance that prioritizes patient-centered care and uses a broad, balanced set of measures to evaluate the effectiveness of EMS systems. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Credentialing of Military Medics by a Medical Director | Calls on the DoD to implement a program to ensure all military prehospital clinical providers, both active duty and civilian, are credentialed through their medical director. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Advanced Education for EMS Practitioners | NAEMT believes in advanced education for EMS practitioners to support the evolving role of EMS and provide additional career opportunities for EMS personnel. |
Operations | EMS Agency Adoption of Cyber Readiness Plans | Believes all EMS agencies should invest in creating a cyber readiness plan to protect its operations from a cyber-attack. |
Role of Government | Adequate Medicaid Reimbursement for EMS | NAEMT believes state governmental authorities must share the responsibility for funding EMS at a level that recognizes the cost of service delivery. |
Operations | Role of EMS with DHS Fusion Centers | Calls to standardize the level and quality of participation by EMS in DHS fusion centers. |
Role of Government | Federal Emergency Support Function for EMS | NAEMT believes that the federal government should establish an Emergency Support Function (ESF) specifically for EMS within the National Response Framework, decoupling EMS from ESF #8, Public Health and Medical Services. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Accreditation of EMS Education Programs | NAEMT supports accreditation of paramedic programs to verify that institutions are preparing competent entry-level paramedics capable of becoming personnel for employment in the EMS workforce. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Civilian EMS Certification for Military Medics | Supports program to ensure that all military medics, Corpsmen, Special Operations medical providers and military EMS/Fire service providers maintain a certification through the NREMT. |
Ambulance Safety | Statement on Lights & Siren Vehicle Operations on EMS Responses | In an outstanding demonstration of collaboration and focus on provider, patient, and community safety, 14 national and international associations have partnered on the release of a Joint Statement on Lights and Siren Vehicle Operations on EMS Responses |
Workforce | Protecting and Preserving EMS Workforce in the Face of COVID Surge | Encourages healthcare, government, and EMS stakeholders and leaders to collaboratively develop and implement multi-disciplinary strategies that protect and preserve the EMS workforce. |
Clinical | Clinician care and restraint of agitated or combative patients | NAEMT joint position statement with NAEMSP, NASEMSO, and the American Paramedic Association. |
Role of Government | Recognition of EMS as an Essential Public Function | NAEMT believes that the essential life-saving public function fulfilled by EMS necessitates support by all levels of government to ensure its viability. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Principles of EMS Continuing Education | NAEMT believes the EMS workforce must maintain continued competence – the ongoing acquisition and application of knowledge, and the decision-making, psychomotor, and interpersonal skills expected of the licensed EMS practitioner. |
Workforce | Pay and Benefits for EMS | Supports equitable pay and benefits for all EMS practitioners. |
Workforce | Accurate Counting of the EMS Workforce | Believes that our nation’s EMS workforce should be accurately counted by the federal government in order to adequately plan for current and future system needs and ensure that our EMS system has the capacity to respond to large scale natural and manmade disasters. |
Education/Certification/Licensing | Value of EMS Stroke Education | Supports continuing education and skills training in prehospital stroke assessment and treatment for EMS practitioners. |
Role of Government | EMS in Healthcare Policy | Outlines certain principles as crucial to our nation’s healthcare system and supports including them in healthcare policy. |
Workforce | EMS Culture of Personal Resilience and Wellbeing | Supports the development of an EMS culture of personal resilience and wellbeing that allows EMS practitioners to become aware of and learn to adapt to their work and personal life, and cope with significant stressors. |
Operations | National EMS Data Vision Statement | Supports the National Vision for the collection, reporting, use and exchange of EMS data. |
Operations | Ambulance Strike Teams | NAEMT believes that all state and regional EMS systems and large EMS agencies should have Ambulance Strike Teams and Emergency Medical Task Forces established and trained to respond to large-scale emergency/mass casualty incidents. |
Operations | Discrimination in EMS | NAEMT believes that discrimination in the EMS workplace is unacceptable and should never be condoned or overlooked. |
Role of Government | EMS Preparedness Planning | Describes how EMS should be integrated and supported in our nation’s preparedness plans to ensure optimal response |