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Board Meets, Establishes 2011 Committees

Jan 31, 2011

Last week, the NAEMT Board of Directors met and established the following 2011 committees:

Advocacy Committee: This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in developing and promoting the passage of legislation in support of the EMS profession, and advancing the key issues that impact EMS practitioners. Responsibilities include:

  • Monitor federal legislative initiatives and alert the Board to any action that the association may need to take in support for or against any particular piece of legislation.

  • Identify for approval of the Board the association’s annual legislative agenda.

  • Work in close cooperation with other EMS organizations to promote NAEMT’s legislative agenda.

  • Participate in lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. as needed.

  • Prepare position statements and comments on proposed legislation or regulation for review and approval by the Board.

  • Recommend to the Board new approaches or specific tactics to move the association’s positions forward.

  • Organize and oversee a national network of state advocacy coordinators to support grassroots EMS advocacy.

Candidacy and Elections Committee: This committee shall ensure compliance with all provisions in the NAEMT Bylaws and in NAEMT operational policy concerning the candidacy and election process for directors and officers. Responsibilities include:

  • Verifying the accuracy of all candidacy statements and supporting documents submitted to NAEMT as part of the candidacy process, including certification and endorsements. The committee shall provide the final slate of verified candidates to the Executive Director, with a copy to the President, no later than 3 weeks prior to the commencement of voting.

  • Monitoring responses to questions posed by the committee. If the committee identifies any false or misleading information presented by a candidate , the committee chair shall notify the candidate and request a retraction of the information in question.

  • Investigating any reported issues regarding a candidate or the candidacy process. A report on the results of the committee’s investigation shall be provided to the President for review and action, as needed.

Education Committee: This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in identifying and developing new educational content for EMS practitioners and ensuring that NAEMT’s education meets industry standards and is in compliance with all industry regulation. Responsibilities include:

  • Monitor requirements and trends in EMS education, certification, re-certification, and standards to ensure that NAEMT education is in compliance with all requirements and meets the continuing education needs of EMS practitioners;

  • Recommend new courses or course content, as needed.

  • Determine when there is a need for application or renewal of education program accreditation.

Finance Committee: This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in managing the funds of the association. Responsibilities include:

  • Review the budget developed by the staff and the Treasurer to ensure that it is balanced, is in compliance with the financial policies of the association, and addresses its mission and strategic goals.

  • Review all insurance coverage held by the association to ensure that the association and its leaders are adequately protected.

  • Review the association’s investments to ensure that such investments are in compliance with the investment policies of the association and are working to achieve its investment objectives.

Health and Safety Committee: This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in identifying health and safety issues that impact the EMS workforce and resources to assist EMS practitioners to enhance their workplace health and safety. Responsibilities include:

  • Monitor the EMS community on a regular basis for trends in health and safety issues, and bring to the attention of the Board any issues that may warrant action by the association.

  • Identify best practices in addressing EMS health and safety issues and share them with the institutions that employ EMS providers.

  • Identify informational and educational resources to help EMS systems and EMS practitioners create and maintain healthy and safe work environments.

Leadership Development Committee - This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in developing future leadership for the association by:

  • Identifying active members who may possess the knowledge, skills, interest and motivation to serve in leadership positions within the association.

  • Providing mentoring and guidance to these members to help them develop their leadership capabilities;

  • Recommending to the President qualified members to serve on committees, work groups, and as liaisons.

  • Identifying leadership training opportunities within EMS to support the development of future leaders.

Membership Committee: This committee shall assist the Board of Directors in membership recruitment and retention. Responsibilities include:

  • Work with the staff to develop an outreach strategy to increase the number of active members. Conduct outreach to new and existing members.

  • Review the current package of member benefits and services on a regular basis and recommend additions or changes, as needed.

  • Review the association’s membership statistics on a regular basis and note any significant changes or trends.

Military Relations Committee: This committee shall the assist the Board of Directors in developing strong relationships with the U.S. armed services. Responsibilities include:

  • Providing information to the U.S. Department of Defense and each of the branches of the U.S. armed services about the benefits of NAEMT membership for military medics.

  • Identifying ways that NAEMT can help transition EMS practitioners from the military to civilian service.

  • Positioning NAEMT as a bridge between military and civilian EMS.

  • Increase the number of NAEMT members from the military.

PHTLS/AMLS/EPC/EMS Safety Program Committees: These committees shall develop and oversee the ongoing implementation of the PHTLS, AMLS, EPC, and EMS Safety education programs in accordance with the NAEMT bylaws and education program policies and procedures.