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National Fire Academy EMS Incident Operations Course Vacancies

Aug 26, 2015

Emergency Medical Services Incident Operations (R0147) at the National Fire Academy has vacancies for upcoming sessions, October 25-30 and December 31-February 5.
Plane wreck?  Bus wreck?  Train wreck?  Tornado?  Active Shooter?  Haz-Mat, bomb, terrorism?
With up to 10 MCIs and 1,000 patients in only 6 days, this course is a practical application of ICS-200 for EMS personnel.  Act as the Incident Commander, Medical Branch Director, Medical Group Supervisor, Medical Unit Leader, Operations Section Chief, Safety Officer, and many more possibilities as you and your classmates focus on the medical aspects of implementing ICS on MCI incidents.
Send applications to NFA Admissions, now!
P.S.:  Don’t overlook the short prerequisite online class.  IS-201 Forms Used for the Development of the Incident Action Plan,