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May 31: Deadline To Provide Input on The EMS Scope of Practice Model and EMS Agenda 2050

May 20, 2018

Throughout 2017 and 2018, two project teams have been soliciting ideas from across the nation to develop the 2018 National EMS Scope of Practice Model and EMS Agenda 2050. Now, both of these important efforts have released drafts for public comment before they are finalized.

The public comment periods for both documents will be open until May 31, 2018. Individuals or organizations engaged in EMS, other healthcare professionals and members of the public are highly encouraged to provide feedback and be part of shaping the future of EMS.

Learn more about the EMS Scope of Practice Model Revision and read Draft 3 here. Then provide comments using this form.

Read the EMS Agenda 2050 draft and provide your feedback here. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's Office of EMS, along with its Federal partners, is proud to be co-funding both of these important efforts.