On Aug 30, the Department of Justice, in partnership with nine additional Federal departments/agencies and 24 stakeholder associations/organizations, will host a press event to release Fentanyl: The Real Deal. The video, designed for roll call training, reinforces key messages from the Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders released in November 2017.
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America’s first responders – including law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services (EMS) providers – are increasingly likely to encounter fentanyl and other synthetic opioids during the course of their daily activities, such as responding to overdose calls and conducting traffic stops, arrests, and searches.
To help first responders protect themselves when the presence of fentanyl is suspected or encountered, a Federal Interagency Working Group coordinated by the National Security Council developed Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders. Informed by expertise from the medical, public health, law enforcement, fire/EMS, and occupational safety and health disciplines, and developed in collaboration with NAEMT and 23 other stakeholder associations/organizations, these science-based recommendations include:
- Actions first responders can take to protect themselves from exposure
- Actions first responders can take when exposure occurs
- Actions first responders can take when they or their partners exhibit signs of opioid intoxication