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Ask your U.S. House Representative to Grant EMS Access to FEMA Public Assistance Funding

Jul 11, 2020

Please take immediate action torequest your U.S. House Representative to sign onto a “Dear Colleague” letter urging FEMA to provide direct pandemic relief to EMS.
The letter asks Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to include direct relief for EMS in the “Phase 4” COVID-19 response package that Congress is considering through increased access to FEMA Public Assistance Grants. This would be the most immediate and direct way to distribute emergency funds to EMS agencies in need by:
  • Amending the Stafford Act to enable all 9-1-1 medical responders to apply directly to FEMA for Public Assistance Grants beginning immediately, and for the duration of the public health emergency.
  • Appropriating at least $5 billion specifically for EMS within the FEMA grant program.
  • Waiving the requirement for a 25% match during the pandemic response.

Please take immediate action on behalf of your profession, your colleagues, your agency and your patients!