Advancing the EMS profession

Workshop Program

Pre-Event Challenge #1
If you had no limitations, what data would you collect, and how would you use it to transform your agency? Consider operational metrics, quality improvement, or advocacy goals. Be ready to discuss your vision.

Pre-Event Challenge #2
Interview one stakeholder (e.g., a community leader, healthcare provider, or payer) and ask them what data they consider most important when evaluating EMS services. Bring their perspective to the workshop.

Session 1 (0900–0950): 
"Building the Case: Turning EMS Data into a Compelling Story" 
The session focuses on understanding the "What" of data collection—the essential data points to identify and collect. Then explore ways  to aggregate the data and merge with other data (local, regional, state, national) to formulate your agency’s value proposition and EMS story. Attendees will share their data with fellow EMS professionals to gain feedback, discuss strategies in collection, aggregation, and convergence, and gain knowledge of national data collecting programs and accompanying reports. Specific data topics will include quality measures, cost-saving appropriate care, ground ambulance cost reporting, ground emergency medical transportation program, workforce, staffing deployment and more. 

Break #1 Assignment (0950–1000)
Share with someone a success story or challenge you or your agency have faced with EMS data collection or storytelling. What made it impactful (or not)?

Session 2 (1000–1050) 
"Driving Change with Data: Making the Case to Stakeholders" 
The session addresses the "Why" of data use, emphasizing the importance of presenting validated data to stakeholders like congressional staff, payers, and decision-makers to advocate for change. Elected officials do not enter office with a thorough education on EMS, health policy, economics, etc.  We will work together to prepare you to walk into your elected officials’ offices to tell your evidence-based EMS story. Attendees will engage in role play on making their agency’s case, incorporating concepts learned, and obtain feedback from fellow EMS professionals. Key topics of discussion will include cost of readiness vs cost of response vs cost of transport, and right care, right place at right time.   

Break #2 Assignment (1050–1100)
Discuss with a colleague one way you could use validated data to influence decision-makers in your agency or community.

Session 3 (1100–1150) 
"From Insight to Action: Practical Practices for Data-Driven Success"
Congressional staff will share data points that congressional offices are interested in and influenced by when their constituents engage them.  This session will explore the “How," -- Secure implementable tools, valuable resources, and determine your next steps into aligning data collection with your services, improving sustainability, and building actionable plans for your agencies.  Identify how you are going to deliver “healthcare” concepts and support with verified, evidence-based data.  

1150-1200: Wrap Up/Closing Remarks
Post-Event Challenge 
Connect with at least three new colleagues by exchanging contact information and commit to sharing a cup of coffee or a drink with at least one of them to continue the conversation and build meaningful professional relationships.